Norma: Beyond Their Tears 

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Johnsson, William G
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The amazing story of an orphan girl who became a champion for orphans.

They called her Yellow, but the sickly Palestinian-Arab girl’s name was Norma.  She proved every bit as spunky and resilient as her Canadian-American moviestar namesake. Though she grew up in poverty, her boldness and ambition brought great personal success, including working in high-ranking international posts and rubbing shoulders with foreign diplomats and VIPs.

Even so, her heart lingered with poor, disadvantaged children. Recent estimates indicate that the number of orphans worldwide is approximately 140 million.There are so many—and every one abandoned, neglected, vulnerable. So many children are in desperate need of food, shelter, safety, education, and love—what can one person do?How does a little girl raised by a devoted Christian mother, abandoned by her father, and eventually orphaned, overcome the odds and become the defender of orphans? Find out in Norma: Beyond Their Tears.


Johnsson, William G
Signs Publishing Co W/House

Expert Reviews

It has been my privilege to know Norma Nashed for a number of years.  Her remarkable life story and commitment to children is unparalleled.  May this telling inspire all of us to recognize the challenges in our world today and do more to assist the 'least of these.'

– Richard L Hart, M.D., Dr.PH, President of Loma Linda University

Norma Nashed is an amazing woman! From a humble childhood in Jordan, to orchestrating and operating an international relief agency, basically on her own. This book documents her life, her struggles, and triumphs, her vision and her frailties’. Norma’s unswerving commitment to the Biblical principal of feeding the hungry, caring for the fatherless, and providing education for those underserved children so that they can have a better life, is her passion and her legacy. 

– Larry Blackmer, Retired VP of North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

As a scholar, teacher, author, and editor William Johnsson vividly portrays the “amazing story of an Arab girl who became a champion for orphans.”  In Norma: Beyond Their Tears, Johnsson brings to light the workings and development of an orphan girl that propelled her into becoming a global megaphone through the Restore a Child ministry for orphans and needy children.  Starting to read this heart-touching and captivating book becomes difficult to put down.  Norma Nashed lives by faith—no salary, no retirement, no medical insurance.  She has partnered with God.  Her life reflects her love to Jesus Who loves the children-- especially the orphans and little kids.  This book has the seed and the substance to inspire others to do likewise. Norma has blazed the way and showed humankind the true meaning of service and love.

– Edmond A. Haddad, Ph.D., Director, Loma Linda Broadcasting Network Arabic Channel, President, Middle East University, 1984-1990

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