Classic Best-Seller Health Manual/Cookbook
Packed with Information, Illustrations, and Recipes
Satisfies Our Nutritional Needs in a Healthful and Appealing Way
2009 Silver Medial Award-winning book
emphasizes God's original diet for humans as found in Genesis 1:29
"...I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." - Genesis 1:29
Ten Talents, first published in 1968, has been called "The perennial 'best-selling' vegetarian cookbook" and "the all-time classic vegetarian's Bible." Now in a new updated edition, this 2009 Silver Medal Award winner in the Living Now Book of the Year Awards Contest - Cooking/Natural category is back.
This simply amazing cookbook features over one thousand delicious, heart-healthy recipes that are low in fat and sodium, sugar-free, and fiber-rich. Beautifully illustrated with more than 1,300 color photographs. Ten Talents is highly recommended for every vegetarian, the casual reader, the novice and experienced cook, and those who desire a new lifestyle of abundant health and happiness.